The Hurt Hub@Davidson wins USGBC Carolinas Community Champion Award


USGBC Carolinas announced the 2020 Sustainable Awards winners this month. Rodgers is proud to share that The Jay Hurt Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Davidson College won the USGBC Carolinas Community Champion Project award. The awards honor excellence in environmental stewardship and community impact.


Earning a LEED Gold certification, the team was very intentional throughout construction to retain the unique features of the original 1920s-era mill, once home to Bridgeport Fabrics Mill. Anything that could remain and pay homage to the original structure was kept intact. Existing brick walls remained exposed on the interior. Concrete floors also remained exposed, with the entry lobby receiving a stain on the concrete. Existing metal doors from the mill were kept and locked in place, serving as a piece of art and permanent fixture of history.

The HUB is a symbol of collaboration between the community and the students at Davidson College. The building represents a place where students are encouraged to expand their knowledge outside the classroom and experience, grow and learn within the community and alongside real-world businesses. The space the HUB provides allows innovation and entrepreneurship to take place and succeed, adding a one-of-a-kind center to the town of Davidson and Davidson College.