Cancer center tops out with message of hope
Rodgers celebrated topping out at the new cancer center and bed tower under construction on the campus of Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, North Carolina, along with joint venture partner TA Loving. Craftworkers joined with Vidant Health’s administration, staff and guests to watch as the final steel beam was put into place.
Pat Rodgers, president and CEO of Rodgers, welcomed the guests. “We have reached an important milestone in this project. This day signifies our safe attainment of the highest point of the building’s structure. We are very proud to build this facility, with our joint venture partner TA Loving, that will serve to improve cancer care for residents of the eastern North Carolina region.”
The traditional topping out ceremony includes placing an American flag and evergreen tree on the beam to celebrate a safe project. Guests were invited to sign the beam before a crane hoisted it to its final position.
Todd Hickey, senior vice president of Vidant Medical Center, thanked the craftworkers for their efforts “day in and day out…no matter the weather, to make sure this project stays on time and is ready for those patients who need it the most.” Parker Overton, Vidant Health Foundation’s board chairman said, “This new building is all about hope. It’s about making the commitment to eliminate barriers to care for all of those with cancer. It’s about providing cancer care close to home. It’s about giving patients hope that one day they will be cancer free.”
The six-story, 96-bed facility will help advance cancer care in the eastern North Carolina region, with expanded treatment options and world-class care.
Read more:
WNCT, January 26, 2016, Vidant cancer center one “beam” closer to completion